A lot of people cant handle the riggleness of a up-due...
Oooh, yeah! 2009! YEAH!
And what have I done this evening? Well I've joined millions of other people in America and watched
'Dick Clarke's Rockin' new years eve'. And, who do you think played live this evening? THE JONAS BROTHERS!!
Oh, the joy I felt in my heart when I first found out.. And YES! I will summarize the year 2008, and I will post some photos from 2008 but I will do it when I come home. Oh, It's just a week left, I WANT TO STAY! I WANT TO STAY!
Hehe, There were a search for a Norwegian guy who had vanished one week before he and his family were flying home. It turned out he had just ran off to explore America. Hehe...
OH I WANNA STAY! There is a 3D movie comming out in February called THE JONAS BROTHERS 3D CONCERT EXPERIENCE.. Yeah, Its a 3D movie of a Jonas Brothers concert. Not just a movie, a 3D MOVIE!!! And I wont be able to see it!! why? BECAUS BY THAT TIME I'LL BE FREEZING MY HINY OFF IN SWEDEN!! OH! how I suffer!
Anywaaaays ( Said in a utterly gay voice) HAPPY NEW YEARS!
Och alla andra gangsters out there!!
Lets make it a flippin' great one!!
Postat av: Cassandra
Ååh, du vill inte alls stanna ._."
Du vill komma tillbaka hit till tråkiga fäcking Sverige och göra det lite roligare!
Postat av: Judit
åååhjoo du får stanna!
så åker jag dit!
jäääjääää! (vem är smartast? vavava!)
love yaa<3
Postat av: Anna din bästa syssling!
SÅG DU DOM!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG!! Nu blev jag sotis!
Postat av: Anna
Du, kan man inte köpa DVDn på internet :O